Reconsidering Your Routine

The flowers in my neighborhood are fading. The leaves are starting to lose their verdancy and aging into a fine, crispy, golden hue. Oranges and reds in the trees start to signal flannel and pumpkins and lace up boots. As we mentally flip the page of the calendar from a big, triumphant 31 to a distinct, fresh 1, we officially enter into the “ber” months.

The months of fall and winter. The months of orange and black decor, to red and green.

For some, the advent of September signals more of a new year than January does. And as the wildness of summer starts to settle into the grounding of fall, we find ourselves drawn back into a more sustainable pace, a more predictable pattern of routine and comfort.

And as this new season of routine approaches, what new things can be added? What parts of our routine can be taken away?

Something I’ve noticed in myself since sobriety is that time seems to slow down. Maybe it’s not losing chunks of time due to blackouts, or days of presence to hangovers, or hours of reliving anxious thoughts over and over. And with the slowing down, I’m able to consciously decide what my routine looks like, rather than operating on autopilot.

There’s always a fine line between boredom and contentment. Going to the gym over and over again can either be a drudge, or there can be a new challenge to be discovered every time we go. Practicing yoga can get repetitive, unless there’s a conscious decision to notice how the pose feels different in the body depending on the time of day, what we did the day before, or how our emotions are showing up.

We can repeat the same things over and over as a way to move closer to ourselves, or the opposite - further away. Every day you get to decide the habits you’ll practice for the tomorrow that you want. Discipline isn’t about control or punishment. It is an act of love to remind us we have choice. And that it’s not only our right, but our responsibility to choose.

What does routine mean and look like for you? And what have you learned over this summer that you’d like to add to - or take away from - your routine now?

As always, with love,



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